
API Endpoints

All endpoints require authorization. Please read the introduction page for more information.

All successful responses are served in the following format with status 200:

    "success": true,
    "data": { ... }

All non-successful responses are served in the following format with status other than 200:

    "success": false,
    "error": "Error Name",
    "message": "Detailed Description"

(Format might vary on restricted access endpoints)

All responses contain the following response headers in addition to the endpoint specific response headers:

X-Server-Time=<timestamp UNIX> The server's timestamp of receiving the request.

X-RateLimit-Limit=<number> The max amount of requests to this endpoint per interval

X-RateLimit-Remaining=<number> The amount of remaining requests to this endpoint

X-RateLimit-Reset=<timestamp UNIX/1000> End of current interval

Retry-After=<number> Optional, only if rate-limited. The amount of seconds to wait before another request to this endpoint.

Public Access Endpoints:


GET https://api.freestuffbot.xyz/v1/ping

Pings the api Rate-Limits: none


    "success": true,
    "data": { }

Game List

GET https://api.freestuffbot.xyz/v1/games/:category

Returns an integer array with the ids of all games in the requested category. The following categories are available: all will list all games in the database approved will list all games in the database that have been manually approved by our content moderators free will list all games currently free Rate-Limits: 5x in 15min

Path Parameters


    "success": true,
    "data": [


Game Details

GET https://api.freestuffbot.xyz/v1/game/:id/:lookup

Get information about a game by looking up it's id. Define what data you want to get using the lookup parameter: Public Access: info will return basic information about the game. Partner Only: analytics will return all analytical data stored about the game. all will return all information about the game, including content moderation metadata. The returned data might vary from the information described in the documentation. Please query the endpoint with example data to get an actual reference object. Rate-Limits: 10x in 5 min

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "1234": @GameInfo,
        "5678": null

Restricted Access Endpoints:

Game Announcement Analytic Data

POST https://api.freestuffbot.xyz/v1/game/:id/analytics

Send once after finishing an announcement to report your analytical data.

Path Parameters


Request Body

    "success": true

Last updated